Havoc XXXIX (2025)

Apr 4-6, 2025

Havoc Game Convention

Sponsored by Battle Group Boston

  • Havoc Home Page
  • About Battlegroup Boston
  • Awards & Past Conventions
  • Hotels & Restaurants
  • Dealer Links
  • Havoc Sponsors
  • Info for Dealers
  • Info for Attendees
  • Info for Game Masters

Info for Dealers

Downloadable Resources
Havoc XXXIX (2025) Flyer (PDF)
Havoc XXXIX (2025) Flyer (Word)

Havoc XXXIX (2025) will be held on April 4th thru April 6th, 2025 at Best Western, Marlborough, MA. Long recognized as one of the Northeast's leading miniatures convention, Havoc will once again feature high quality games, displays and tournaments.

Dealer spaces are approximately 10'x10' and include two 30" x 8' tables, cost $100.00 for the first space, $90.00 for the second (and any further) space(s). . Reservations for dealer spaces must be accompanied by payment in full for the dealer space(s) being reserved. Upon receipt of the reservation and payment, our Dealer Coordinator will contact you to inform you of the dealer spaces still available, and determine which space you would like to reserve. While every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes, dealer spaces will be assigned on a "First Come First Served" basis.

Payment may be made by either check, payable to BGBoston Inc. and mailed to the Dealer Coordinator or Havoc Director; or online by using the PayPal link below.

Pay for your Dealer
Space with Paypal
Number of Slots

Please confirm that our Dealers page has all your correct information so that attendees can easily navigate to your website. Please let us know if any of your information needs updating. Dealers not attending Havoc will be added to our Dealers page just by asking. If you have a website, we would also appreciate it if you can add a link to Havoc in an appropriate place. Contact the web site coordinator, Bruce Carson (bcarson@asgoth.com), to have your information added or updated.

Contacts for this year's Havoc
Questions?Technical Issues
Steven Parenteau, Dealer Coordinator
Phone: (401) 474-3376
Bruce Carson, Havoc Director
13 Castle Road
Westford, MA 01886-2610
Cell: (781) 710-3626

In order to make this upcoming Havoc a success for us and for our dealers, we would appreciate your assistance in the following areas:

  • Please post our Havoc flyers in your store, downloadable from our website or if you prefer, we will deliver some to you.
  • Please mention Havoc in any mailings you send to your customers
  • Please run a game at Havoc highlighting the merchandise that you sell
  • Please donate prizes for appropriate games run at Havoc
  • Each Dealer slot comes with 2 tables (2.5'x8'). Feel free to bring additional display cases/shelves/etc. provided they fit in your 10'x10' slot.
  • You can setup your booth starting around 4:00pm on Friday evening

Any company providing prizes/sponsorship will be credited on our Sponsors page. If you attend Havoc as a dealer and run a game, we will make sure you get a game table as close to your dealer space as is possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Hall Map with Committed Dealer Locations:

Pick your slot(s) from those without a dealer's name

Floor Plan

Main Hall Dealer Slots

Each dealer slots is 10 feet by 10 feet and can easily accomodate up to three 2 1/2 by 8 foot tables.